Exact BAS and Bookkeeping

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5 Ways to Digitally Declutter

Want to streamline and organise your digital life so you can bring more focus and calm to your work and life?

If you want a sure way to feel less overwhelmed and more focused in your work life, it’s time to declutter your digital life.

While you probably aren’t fully aware of it, your digital life is a silent chaos that is wreaking havoc on every area of your life.
Think about it for a second:
Unlike having a messy room where YOU’RE the one controlling the mess coming in, your digital mess is an entirely different animal.
Your digital mess will keep accumulating whether you like it or not!

We’ve learned that rogue files on your desktop, mountains of email subscriptions that go un-opened, and useless apps clogging up your home screen and wasting money can add to the stress of running a business.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 5 simple ways to a digital declutter for your business below.

Cancel or Delete subscriptions/apps you no longer need or change your pricing tier accordingly.

Maybe you don’t need that gem smash game you tried out for $4.99/month and can cancel, OR maybe you’ve realised that you love using Squarespace and now you can pay for the next year in advance (instead of monthly) to take advantage of the savings. Either way, set aside time to make some of these financial decisions so you know you’re operating your business with as little monthly expenditures as possible.

Sometimes it’s easy to forget about all those smaller monthly subscriptions you’ve paid for to run your business.

A bookkeeper can help keep an eye on the business finances, but if it’s just you trying to keep costs down for your business, taking a look at these recurring payments is a must!

Delete old Emails, and categorise into folders.

We’ve arrived at the dreaded inbox! Let’s be honest, emails can be the bane of our existence. The biggest problem with our email is that, without any sort of protocol, it’s all too easy to let messages slip right through the cracks and then suddenly they’re piling up on you and you find yourself avoiding your inbox at all costs! Dedicate a day or a few hours to categorising your important emails and deleting the junk! Set up a system of folders for your suppliers or invoices etc, keeping your incoming emails easier to manage.

Declutter your Home Screen and Files.

This one shouldn’t come as a surprise, but if you spend hours a day on your laptop or computer like we do, opening your desktop to a million files, folders and photos makes it difficult to find what you’re looking for fast!

So organising your files into specific folders is a no brainer! Get rid of those desktop screenshots or downloaded files and sort them out into relevant folders!

There are a million different ways to organise your home screen and everyone’s different (similar to email preferences), but the point is just that you take time to intentionally organise your apps and files and remove those that no longer serve you or your business.

Unsubscribe from newsletters you no longer find valuable.

There’s nothing worse than waking up to an inbox that’s already clogged up in the morning, BUT not from eager customers/ clients or Oprah, asking you to be a guest star on her next Sunday special…

Nope, instead it’s just pointless sales emails from that shop or website you downloaded something from that ONE TIME and you continue to archive their messages week after week instead of simply just unsubscribing. No more, my friend!

Use Cloud document storage.

There are a number of systems that use cloud computing that you probably already come across in your day-to-day. You listen to music on Spotify that is not saved on your phone, and you can access images in Google Photos using any device connected to the internet.

Using cloud document storage can save space on your hard drive (and remove all those pesky files from your desktop), it’s easy to share with others (and set up document history, meaning you know who’s read/viewed the file), it’s secure and accessible from most devices AND saves on paper wastage! BONUS!

Doing this type of regular check-up on your digital life will streamline, and clear out the various unwanted or NEEDED items in your digital world and make you feel refreshed and digitally organised!